About Me


Hi, I am Katie, a certified sleep consultant passionate about helping parents and there smalls, sleep! I provide personalized programs and tools to help you and your child using my extensive knowledge and experience from working as a nanny for 8 years with high profile clients around the world. I have worked with numerous families who were desperate to implement a strong routine into their child’s life and get a restful nights sleep at last! I am Ofsted registered and work closely with the EYFS (early years foundation stage) daily to ensure I am supporting the learning and development of the children in my care. My programs include information to help you understand the science of sleep, the importance of a routine (including exact timings for naps based on your little ones age group) plus tackling and over coming sleep associations and step by step guidelines for doing this.

If you would like to have a free introductory chat about how i can help you, please get in touch.