Moving your child from cot to bed

Most children move from cot to bed when they’re between two and three years old.

There’s no hurry, though. And there are some advantages to leaving your child in a cot if they’re happy there. For example, your child can’t fall out of the cot. And you can put off the cost of buying a new bed and bedding for a while longer.

It's also best to wait until your child is emotionally ready to move to a bed and physically able to get in and out of the bed safely.

Sometimes the shift to a bed brings a few new bedtime challenges, and you might want to choose when you deal with these.

Why children might move from cot to bed

It might be time for your child to move to a bed if:

  • your child has started climbing out of the cot, which puts them at risk of falling

  • your child is toilet training and needs to be able to get to the toilet easily during the night

  • you have a new baby who needs the cot

  • you’ve decided to move your child out of your bed and into their own bed.

If you need advice on how to make the bedroom safe, Helping your little one settle into their new environment and how to use a good routine to ensure moving from cot to bed is as easy as possible for you, please get in touch!